Baby Elephant Searches for Girl’s Nose

This is in India, where the calf had fallen into a 15 meter ditch on a tea plantation and its herd must have abandoned it after trying unsuccessfully to retrieve it. It was being raised at a wildlife rehabilitation center that has successfully reintroduced many elephants to the wild.

She is just a baby, doing all baby things ! Soo adorable. Give her some fruits. God bless and protect you and your herd !

I love how they’re so careful not to step on her. Very intelligent creatures.

Baby elephant is so concerned, “How is this poor thing supposed to eat w/o a nose?”

Love how gentle they are with her and how mindful not to step or bare their weight on her , these are the most magnificent creatures on this Planet

From the little I know about elephant body language, this baby wagging its ears, and lifting one leg, is expressing a joy to her. I feel her stillness makes room for trust and allows, even invites the baby to be curious and explore. It’s a marvelous holy moment to witness. Thank you all for this.

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