Crocodiles Attack Buck That Tried Escaping From Lion

When it just isn’t your time… This Nyala was chased into a waterhole by a hunting lioness, where it was attacked by opportunistic crocodiles!! After narrowly escaping the large reptiles, the Nyala was left with no choice but to take the lion head-on.

As the group arrived at a waterhole on the Mkuze Game Reserve they were greeted by action. A lioness on the hunt! She had spotted a nyala bull that had not seen her at the time and she looked hungry! As soon as she realized this was a potential meal the hunt was on!

The lioness immediately went into stalk mode. Making use of the thick cover that was surrounding the waterhole, she managed to get within a good distance of the Nyala. Off she went with a burst of speed! But the Nyala was not caught by surprise, as he had seen the lioness and darted off in time.
He ran for a bit, but he realized there was no way he would outrun the hungry lioness. So he went straight for the water, hoping to escape the hungry lioness. The lioness, knowing the potential risk of the big crocodiles that lurked in these waters did not dare to go in! The nyala aware of the dangers still was willing to risk it. The lioness also knew that the nyala could not stay in the water forever, so she sat and waited for the nyala to move.

The lioness sat patiently staring at the nyala with hungry eyes. The nyala, on the other hand, stood in the water, staring back at the lioness, hoping that she would go away. With all his focus on the lioness, the nyala was caught off guard when he suddenly felt something at his feet. A few crocodiles had been stealthy approaching him in the shallow water and he only realized when a slash erupted, and a crocodile snapped its jaws, trying to grab hold of the nyala.

Luckily for the nyala, his super-fast reflexes saved him, and he managed to kick and jump away from the crocodile. But he now had to run out of the water as quick as he could because if he didn’t, the croc would get him. But the catch was that when he left the water, the lioness was there. Being stuck between a rock and a hard place the nyala had to make a decision and make it fast!

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