Giant Whale Jumps Out Of Nowhere – Incredibly Close Whale Encounters!

Whales are magnificent beasts of the sea, these giants can grow up to 90ft and weigh as much as 24 elephants! These lucky people got to experience these whales up close and personal. From whales jumping out of the water to divers swimming side by side, we have it all here.

I’m not sure what’s more impressive, that something that big is able to move that fast in the water, or that there are humans with enough balls to get that close to a creature that big. I get butterflies in my stomach from behind the screen, I cannot imagine being there in person. Absolutely incredible creatures.

The amount of strength they have in their tails to be able to lift their entire body mass out of the water… imagine getting slapped by a whale tail

1:43 is seriously one of the most fascinating things I’ve ever seen. It’s a gigantic swarm of small fish, attracting a feeding frenzy of many predators at once. First, the swimming birds, then the huge whale, then all those sharks & dolphins come out of nowhere. Absolutely amazing.

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