Giraffe Tries Saving her Calf From Hunting Lions

Once in a life-time sighting of lions seizing an opportunity to hunt a newborn giraffe! The mother of the giraffe tries her hardest to save her calf, but unfortunately she isn’t successful.

A mother is always a mother. I remember my mother who took care of me so well inspite of all her sickness. Can never forget her. She passed away 14 years ago

This is one of the saddest clips I’ve seen.That poor calf must have taken ages to finally succumb despite her mother’s extraordinary attempts to save her:she must have been dragged all the way to the side of the road before they kept attacking,and the poor thing didn’t stand a chance.

She wasn’t more than a baby as she just couldn’t get up from the first ambush:you could see her struggling so hard.A mother’s love is a very powerful thing and the gentle giraffe defended her young till she couldn’t any more and it was heart rending to see.The footage is excellent but this was a bit too couldn’t have been more than a few months old.Very,very sad.`

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