Kudu and Wild Dogs

That was an exciting video. Never seen one where the Kudu got on top of the dogs. That Kudu was bad ass.

Those tsk noises. No..no.no… never seen those horrible wild dogs eat literally everything alive… I loved this video. Very much indeed! Those Impala & buffaloes who were eaten alive would be rolling of joy in heaven.

Did the lady whose commentary we hear know that a wild dog pack will eat its prey alive, much like a gang of hyenas? She’s getting all emotional as if these wild predators are Fido and Max and Blue down at her neighborhood dog run. The Kudu is a magnificent antelope and is just defending itself against a pack of predatory hunters.

The Kudu got so lucky there was water African wild dogs are one of the most successful predators in the wild – outrunning their pack is next to impossible

I’ve seen too many videos of those dogs eating everything imaginable, so yeah, I was rooting for the Kudu in this one. Way to be a boss and fight those land piranhas off—wait, now those land piranhas are attacking in the water too! Their new meta

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